
v1 (2010)

  • v1.0.0 - The first version written in VBA to demonstrate the concept, with equations rendered by our online CodeCogs Equation Editor.


  • v2.0.0 - Complete rewrite in C#, with separate installations for Excel 2003, 2007 and 2010. Added alternative methods for representing ranges and matrices were.
  • v2.1.0 - Support for International languages
  • v2.1.2 - Support added for comma separation within numbers


  • v3.0.0 - New offline rendering capability introduced.
  • v3.0.5 - Improved support for EMF formatting, including vertical alignment of rendered equations.
  • v3.0.7 - Major rewrite of installer.

v4 (2014)

  • v4.0.0 - Complete rewrite to allow the program to work across all versions of Excel. Added equation expand to incorporate dependent equations and values.
  • v4.0.1 - Display equation units.
  • v4.0.2 - New unified installer. Added 'Copy LaTeX markup' button. Improved support for international languages.
  • v4.1.0 - Updated matrix header identification, new options menu. Various performance and UI improvements.

v5 (2019)

  • v5.0.0 - Simplified UI, with full offline rendering and support for standard LaTeX markup (allowing more expressive documentation). New preferences will full control over the layout and coloring of equations. Support for Excel 2003 dropped.
  • v5.0.1 - Function names with periods now recognized, e.g. "T.TEST()". Added recognition of short variable after a comma, e.g. "length, l"